Painting The 2025 Bird Calendar
Creating the 2025 Bird Calendar
Painted in Watercolour with just a dash of salt and a little pen & ink for the branch…
Spend a couple of days with me as I add to the bird collection and paint the monthly models for the 2025 Garden Birds Calendar
Preparing The Table
Never have I ever painted a series of twelve watercolours. My ADHD brain can’t cope with more than three… Unless it turns out the subject is birds, in which case I can paint and paint and paint.
Bird sketches on cartridge paper
Nah, that’s abit of a lie. I did really have to think hard about the overall goal of a calendar, left to my own devices I’d have gotten bored. Since I already had 4 or 5 birds in the bag and knowing I’d set myself a goal of a Calendar this year I knew I had no choice but continue to watercolour the next 7 bad boys - or birds. I’ve learnt the best way to make myself sit and watercolour for a full day is to really set up my creative space before hand. Get everything ready, light a candle, put flowers in a vase and tape my paper nice and neatly. I’ve learnt over the past few years that the set up is half your journey to a painting you’ll be proud of.
I already had a Dunnock, Song Thrush, Wren & Robin from my Monthly Illustration Club and a blackbird from my Journal. That left seven birds to go.
So one May day I set the kitchen table up (It was pretty cold and I wanted to be cosy in the house not out in the garden room). My SW Botanical candle lit, my paper taped and my easle looking inviting, I went for it. I had already spent an evening drawing the birds ready to trace onto watercolour paper. Again, prepping all of these first is half way to keeping myself going. If I had to draw each bird after painting the last there is noway I would have finished them.
The older I get the more accepting I am of my brain, my lack of follow through, the unifinshed projects and ideas and the better I am at working with it rather than against it.
Anyway, 1 day in may I finished with 4 full bird paintings…
Blue Tit
Great Tit
Another 3 were finished on a beautiful sunny day in June
House Sparrow
House Martin
Sketching & tracing the Birdies - Day 1
Traced watercolour sketches
Traced from my own pencil drawings
Candle lit and favourite easle out
The Chaffinch all set up ready to go
Chaffinch nearly finished
Chaffinch all done and dusted
And voila! On to the next…
Hello Godfrey Goldfinch
Traced and ready for paint
All finished and ready for the next!
On to Barry Blue Tit
Nearly finished Barry
Barry is complete. Phew. Onew more for today…
Oooh Gary Great Tit is finished, did you forget to take photos of the process Brooke? Looks like it.
3 birds left to paint - Day 2
It’s june for this one and it’s starting to look a little more like Summer so we’re in the Garden Room. We meaning me and probably a dog or two. The kids are at nursery. Nobody is whacking 3 bird paintings out with house monsters hanging off the ankles.
Again, table is set up perfectly, I will always be doing this from now on when I really need to focus. The 20 minutes to make a coffee and pick the flowers is absolutely worth it. I didn’t get photos of my sketches and now they’re somewhere hiding in a box but again I drew all the birds first before tracing and painting. It’s so much easier this way.
Here we have a traced sketch of a House Sparrow.
Half painted house sparrow
Still half painted House Sparrow. I did finish him I promise allthough I have no proof.
Mr House Martin
Garden flowers. Oh the pompommy chives do make me happy.
And one photo of a half finished swallow
So that’s the painting of the birdies. There were so many evenings following this where I typed in dates and boxes and moons and so on into the computer to create the calendar but I got no photo of it , and If i did I’m sure it would have been pretty boring so we’re not missing out.
Now hang on let me see if I can find some OLD photos from when I painted the first 5 birds and then we’re good, you can leave none the wiser with less of your life left to live. But, you will have seen a glimpse into my watercolour process and maybe that’s worth something? Probably not but anyway. Have a fabulous time with whatever you’re doing and make sure you have tea bags and cake in the house!