Hey! I’m So Glad You’re Here! Please Make Yourself At Home.
Let me introduce myself, I'm Brooke, the creator, printer, packerer and post dropperofferer at Brooke Marie. Oh and let's not forget the worlds laziest bookeeper. I’m also a farmers wife, a mum, and a very unorganised-rather forgetful-Nutella scoffing-tea and coffee addict who is terrible at parallel parking. But... When I'm not being all of the above, I like to escape through my pen and paintbrush and into nature. My illustrations go where my mood and the seasons will take them, and I’m hoping maybe you’d like to come along too?
With love
Brooke Marie
My Story So Far
You’re maybe wondering how I ended up here on this website rambling away and selling stuff to you amazing people? I’m certainly not qualified to, I could always draw at school but that’s as far as it ever went. I was fed up in a job I didn’t love, I also had a very poor relationship with food but I’ll not lead you down that dark hole now, lets just say I was fighting for control and never, ever getting it. I’m not 100% over this but I’m so much better than I was. I was utterly miserable. Anyway, one day I decided enough was enough, I climbed back out my dark hole, walked the dog, smelt the flowers, threw out loads of junk, I let go of everyone else’s expectations. Ditched all the diets and found myself here painting, baking, hiking, growing veg and keeping myself busy by living simply, It’s taken time, it’s taken a previous failed blog, an up-cycling adventure that I never saw through, but finally I’ve developed enough self confidence to put myself here, unapologetically and I’m so excited. The painting part of the story really is the ending, the main achievement was finding the courage and self belief to give something new a go.
When Did All The Painting Start?
I have no degree, zero industry experience but I have a willingness to give things ago and put myself out there, which is really all we need right? Watercolour found me in April 2019 when I decided I really needed a creative outlet and something I could do that made me proud and gave me a little pocket of self worth. Since then I’ve not put a brush down. After a few months a friend asked me to paint some doggies, I tried, it didn’t look too bad so I painted a few more. And then my Instagram went MENTAL so I charged £20 each. And now here I am, painting and creating cards for you lovely people all day long.
Dreams are ours to chase, and I’m certainly going for mine. I want to live with less, live simply and find the joy in the little things. I dream of feeding my chickens, of walking my dogs, of collecting blackberries with my boys and getting really really muddy. I dream of picnics, and birdsong and dunking biscuits in tea and of being creatively free to do as I please; and I hope one day I rest in peace knowing I prioritised happiness over success. Oh I also dream of mastering the pottery wheel, but maybe that’s for another time.
Meet The Team
The Ted
The newest member of the Team and definitely the ‘Boss’. Edward joined us on the 28th October 2020 and is still learning the ropes. His duties include sleeping, drinking milk, crying and making sure no watercolour illustrations take longer than 30 minutes to create. Known affectionately as “The Beast who rules the house.” Great at sloppy kisses and arm punches.
The illustrator, web designer and a very poor accountant. She’s the one that designs all the products, she also prints, packages and posts them to you. She’s constantly trying to keep the house tidy but between you and me it’s always a dump. She enjoys drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee and is always shoving chocolate in her face.
And the only decent photo of her is on her wedding day.
Otis The Cockapoo
Otis is in charge of inspiration. It’s his job to take Brooke & Ted for walks, mainly down the farm track to the beach and to make sure they get out of the house. Otis is yet to learn that hares are for photographing and painting and not for chasing but no employee is perfect. He likes to sit on top of the sofa and squash all the cushions.
Mrs Tiggywinkle
The living walking dustbin. Since Tigs arrival we’ve not had to hoover under the highchair once. She will eat bananas, tomatoes, blueberries, anything.
Tigs job is to make sure Ted is fully entertained, they play and wrestle each other all day long and make far to much noise.