July 2024 - A Seasonal Diary
A seasonal diary of nature spots and little moments
Hello July
“July is hollyhocks and hammocks, fireworks and vacations, hot and steamy weather, cool and refreshing swims, beach picnics, and vegetables all out of the garden.”
OOOOH by golly gosh has it been a busy month here for me. There’s been so much to celebrate, so much to do, so much to harvest and so much to mow! I’ve been eagerly anticipating the arrival of my sweetpeas, for some reason they have barely flowered - last July I was bringing them inside daily by the armful. Maybe the lack of sunshine and warmth has something to do with it? Maybe my lack of care and attention? Anyway, not all is lost, this last week the house is finally fragrant with the blousy white and lilac blooms and I am high on it. As I write this paragraph now I’m sat with wet ankles from wading through the long dewy grass. It’s 11pm and i’ve been on slug patrol, a good 15 I found all on their merry way to my cabbages. Not tonight though! They’ve found themselves thrown elsewhere. Did you know a slugs blood is blue? No neither did I! Apparently something to do with them using copper, where as we use iron. Anyway… What’s to fill you in on…
Driffield Show
17th July 2024
A magical day meeting people, selling cards and paintings and soaking up the country atmosphere. It really was a lovely day.
We arrived pretty early, I had dumped most of the stuff there the day before so I thought me and Mum could easily get everything displayed on time before people started arriving. NOPE. Make sure everything is priced up before you arrive, it will save you a world of trouble! I know that now and won’t be making the same mistake twice. Oh and the fresh flowers on the stand were essential - obviously. Anyway, the day was a success, it’s such a busy show for one day, I found it really worth the trouble and to meet so many wonderful people was such a novelty. Being a mainly online retailer, face to face interaction with people filled me to the brim with dopamine. I got some lovely comments about my stall, what a confidence boosting day. I want to do it all over again. See you there next year? I do have a stand at Burton Agnes Autumn Fair this October to look forward too.
Sand Martins
Just a little appreciation for the beloved Sand Martin
I just wanted to take a moment to write about the sand-martins, not captured in this picture but they are behind me as I took it. They fill the taller cliffs on the beach near where we live and they really are quite magical to witness. They remind me of ww2 fighter planes, diving and spinning with little regard for your personal space. They brought me so much joy watching them on this little walk that I thought them worth a mention. If you see lots of holes in a sandy cliff face and lots of birds darting in and out between April and October, chances are you’ve stumbled upon some sand martins. They look very much like the house martin but are brown instead of inky blue and as the name would suggest, nest in sandy cliffs rather than piling mud onto your facias and soffets.
The Shepherds Hut in Hambledon
A child-free trip away to visit my best friend
Did you know Hambledon is the village where cricket was invented? Neither did I actually until it was coincidentally stated as a fact in the book I’m currently reading - Richard Osman’s The Man Who Died Twice. It really is a very good book. It is the second one and It’s an audiobook, I like to have an audiobook on the go at all times as well as a before-bed-paper-back. Anyway, I booked a little electric-free shepherds hut on a farm in a sleepy little village, not far from Portsmouth where my best friend lives. Oh what I would give to have her here next to me in Yorkshire but for now it’s just the twice yearly trips to soak up each others company. The hut was extremely cute and I had a splendiddy time, just what the system needed after the none stop battle of chores and daily life. I arrived on the Friday and Issy arrived on the Saturday so that was a whole night all to myself. A whole night not to be woken up by anyone and my goodness did I sleep like a baby! Well, not a baby, babies don’t sleep - I slept like my husband before we had children - that man could sleep. Not so much anymore, I think it’s a sign he and I are ageing, plus the grey hairs dotting around his lovely face. Anyway, back to the trip. You’ll never guess what I did when I woke up at 7am. I sat in bed with the door open, the view expanding out over the rolling hills and read my book. I never feel like booking a city break anymore, I just want to be in nature and at peace so this trip was perfect. Once Issy arrived after frantic hugging and nattering we headed out for breakfast, a long 12 km walk, came home to a picky tea purchased from the shop and an evening of wine by the firepit - magic. I can’t wait for the next one!
Butterfly Spot
Well, the organic farm in Hampshire was teaming with butterflies, - mainly meadow brown and gatekeeper I think, they were so quick and fluttery it was hard to tell. I’ve also seen peacock, Comma, Large and Small Whites, Red Admiral, and lots and lots of Ringlets.
July In Watercolour
Stories from the studio, a little glimpse into my watercolour creations from July.
Aside from the drawing of the shepherds hut I haven’t done much this month in terms of painting, BUT- I have finished, ordered and taken delivery of 40 Calendar’s which I am super excited about! I’ve also just started work on a new commission of 3 brothers which is fun but as I’ll be finishing it in August I’ll leave it for next month.
What has July been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...