August 2024 - A Seasonal Diary
A seasonal diary of nature spots and hi little moments
Hello August
“Less than a month ago, all of August still stretched before us – long and golden and reassuring, like an endless period of delicious sleep.”
Oh August, what a blessed and magical month you have been. I'll be honest and say I don't usually like you August, I'm kind of done with summer by the end of July but this year it's been a gloriously dry month after nearly a full 12 month of rain. If I look back over the journals since September 2023 I'm pretty sure they start with “by has it been wet". Afternoons spent in the garden have stretched out gloriously, both boys and dogs coming and going in and out without leaving a trail of wet muddy footprints.
Toby is finally walking - well walking sometimes, he opts for the quicker crawl most often but we're getting there. Those days of exploring the farm on foot are not far away and I can't wait. My heart is full, the sun has been shining, sat comfortably in the knowledge that Ted is still a full year away from school and Toby is becoming a cuddly ball of squidgy smileyness. His temper and tantrums will always tower over Teds sweet calm nature but there are glimpses of a toddlerhood that I am so excited for. Maybe he might avoid His Majesties local Prison after all.
Beetroot, potatoes, eggs, courgettes- all were tasty, all were good. French beans have been pecked to inch long stubbs by the clucks and the cabbages and broccoli have been decimated, destroyed, devoured by the cabbage white caterpillars. I took the nets off, a moment I will replay in my mind for the remaining year. Why, oh why did I take those nets off? The bees were lapping up the cosmos, sat inside drunk on nectar and the sweetpeas have been a never ending chore and joy all in one messy tangle of scented frills and tendrils. August is hard, it’s relentless, it’s lonely and yet it’s magical, full, bursting with produce and life. Harvest this year has been surprisingly enjoyable, a calendar to launch, two children to care for, a house and garden to manage, allotment spoils to deal with, his pack lunches to make, his tea to cook for when he gets in at 10pm. I’m exhausted but it’s been okay, learning to let some things go and leaning into the busy - knowing in a few months it will all calm down. The Father-in-law fetching food around daily has been a life saver.
The fields full of bales will never not be a magical sight to me, it’s a fleeting landscape, there one minute and gone the next. A buzzard sat perched on the edge of a big yellow moon of straw, enjoying the vantage point over the low stubble whilst it can. It’s a very August view.
My boy is starting to look his age, he'll be 10 next and I can see it in the stiff way he ambles around the house after a long walk. He still chases those hares with as much enthusiasm as a pup but his body can’t keep up. He seems just a little slower and less spring chickeny. It’s too sad to think about and yet if I don’t prepare myself I'll not cope because how can I live without him? He’s been by my side for nearly 10 years. Causing mischief and yet loyal to a fault, cuddles and kisses are reserved for just me and I will never not bury my face in those soft curls when life feels too much - yet one day I won’t be able too. Let’s hope there’s another 10 years left in him.
You grumpy old codger Otis, you will always be my best friend.
Unkown ball of interestingness - must research!
So many blackberries, small, not overly sweet, a berry to sum up the quality of the farms harvest this year but here none the less and ready for the picking. Blackberry crumble, you will always be the taste of August. I wish I had time for something more flambouyant but the crumble topping is quick and easy and will be the go to pud for these busy calendar launching harvest month. Plus picking blackberries seems to excite a love of homemade food in Ted that isn’t always there.
Butterfly Spot
One walk to the beach and i spotted a painted lady, small tortoishell and a peacock. All the showy showy ones within a meter of eachother.
Spotted a common blue on the airfield down by the quarry. I've never seen a blue on this farm so that was a nice day.
Also spotted some pretty flies on some chicory, a heron, saw a dear having a wee and saw lots of dragonflies, hares and bees in the clover.
Small Tortoiseshell
Painted Ladu
Bee In Chicory
August In Watercolour
Stories from the studio, a little glimpse into my watercolour creations from august.
Oh has it been a busy month this month. I’ve been creating brand illustrations for Phoebe over at SW Botanicals. She has a new oil blend called folklore coming out and I’m so excited. It was pretty intense and I was so nervous about my ability, looking back now I still don’t feel happy with what I’ve created. I’m hoping it’s because the vision was in someone else’s head and how am I supposed to know if I got it right? Or maybe because it’s not very good but we shall see. Fingers crossed it sells well for Phoebes.
I also painted a lovely creation for an Instagram friend I made years ago, it was a surprise for her commissioned by a friend for her birthday. A little imagining of her new Puppy, little boy, cat and the beautiful Bertie doggie who passed away a few years ago.
What has August been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...