June 2024 - A Seasonal Diary
A seasonal diary of nature spots and little moments
Hello June
“I need to be outside. I need to be in the world and to remember that I am of it.”
A quote chosen because It’s something I really felt I needed this year. With so much horror in the world I need to remember I am the tree, water and the air and the air, water and the tree are me.
Late to the June party, it is nearly August as I write this so please bare with me as I look back at photos and jog my memory. Hopefully this is just because life at the minute is so busy. As the boys grow up there will be time to get my journal out on time, but for now I’m just soaking up the gorgeousness of my two scrumptious little munchkins. This age (3 and 1) is just magic, hard work, stressful, feeling like I’m treading water but peppered with nuggets of pure gold. The family holiday took place on the last week of June and I’m still missing it deeply. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Just the freedom of being together as a four without the responsibility of the farm hanging on Nicks shoulders, nobody having to leave to walk the dogs or feed the cattle (the dogs camped at my parents), just unfiltered family time, something that feels so rare. I already can’t wait for the next one. Wales by the way - North Wales that is - is a treasure trove of family activities, we didn’t have enough time to do it all. It was cold though, I spent all week in the same jumper having mainly packed dresses and shorts. We did spend a day at the Conwy RSPB nature reserve and sat and watched a cormorant diving and trying to guess where he would pop back up whilst we ate our sandwiches on a little bench.
The whole of June was cold I remember that much, with lots of rain. Most of my allotment was getting mullered by rabbits and slugs. The rain however kept the grass in that beautiful purple hue that fades so quickly in a hot summer. The hogweed and roses have been beautiful too, white butterflies, speckled woods and red admirals have all made some brief appearances in the wood on the rare sunny days. I picked some grass to pop in a vase at home. I thought it looked quite pretty but the pollen falling off it was an allergy sufferers worst nightmare. Also picked some elderflower but didn’t have any lemons so I just froze the heads for elderflower tea.
Butterfly Spot
Red admiral
Green Veined White
Small white
Speckled Wood
June In Watercolour
Stories from the studio, a little glimpse into my watercolour creations from June.
Oh June has been aaaall about the birdies so I can create the calendar I’ve been meaning to create for years. I have loved every minute of painting all these little guys but the Robin, the first bird I did (nearly 2 years ago now) is still my favourite.
What has June been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...