February 2024 - A Seasonal Diary
Hello February
Ahh February, you’re not January at least. There’s more flowers, more light and just a little bit more to do. Toby is 7 months, crawling around and pulling up onto furniture. It’s making life hard work - it’s like having a little chubby steam-roller on a mission of destruction around the kitchen. Very much NOT like his calm and considerate older brother. The big V-Day happened and The Farmer got me a card from the corner shop and a bar of galaxy. I got him a lovely cute puffin card from Hannah Longmuir.
February In A List
A little list of a February well spent - or maybe just spent
Eggs glorious eggs, THE GIRLS ARE LAYING AGAIN.
Ted got Chickenpox - Fun. But at least now it’s over.
Toby got Chickenpox - double fun. Feel like February weekends have mainly been on house arrest.
My wrapping paper arrived! Painted and designed by me, can you believe it? HOW EXCITING.
So many snowdrops. What a lovely little flower. Winter aconites too! They’re a little undervalued I think, that sharp bright yellow in mid-winter.
Chaffinch..essss. SO MANY OF THEM! All roosting in the pheasant wood.
Primrose leaves slowly emerging. Crocus, daffodil and tulips all poking just above the soil.
Pigeons are still raping and pillaging the fields.
Husband STILL constantly moaning about the price of corn.
Lambs! We’ve got lambs
Crocus are out
Blackthorn is out
Daffs are out. Hello little bubbles of hedgerow sunshine.
Still raining - all the time. STOP RAINING.
Brought a pet lamb into the garage. The farm usually has lots of pet lambs but this year just the one so were doing our best to make him comfortable and not lonely. He’s already been in the house quite a bit, I think he thinks he’s a dog.
Ted walked 4 miles - he was a withered little munchkin by the end but he didn’t moan. (This was not child abuse, he insisted on making it to the beach and had no option but to make it home)
February In Paint & Pen
Valentine’s Day 2025
The perfect time when so much love is in the air to add to my card collection for the following year.
Pet Portrait
It’s been so long since I took on a doggy jobby but I loved doing this one of Rolo. It’s not something I advertise or want to do many of but a little dabble in the realism every now and then is pretty fun.
What has February been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...