June - A Seasonal Diary
Rambling diary on nature and day to day life…
Day to day life married to a farmer with two misbehaving dogs and a tyrannical tantrum monster.
Friday 3rd - Heard little chirps of chicks coming from the Blue-tit nest box in the garden.
Tuesday 14th - Tiggy chased some lovely deer across the farm. They got quite close before the realised we were there. Otis rolled in something rotten, orange and really smelly. Not a great dog day to be honest.
Saturday 18th - Drove to Humanby with Nick and Ted to check on the cattle, got to see them joyously run from one over-eaten field to new freshly grown pasture. Found a ginger house cat hiding in the grass and saw a Painted Lady and two Meadow Brown butterflies in the hedge. Ted also learnt to shout Daddy’s name from afar and now copies us when we shout the dogs to come back.
Sunday 19th - Red admiral landed next to the kitchen window and a pair of collared doves spent the morning failing to make a shoddy nest on the garden pergola. They eventually decided Ted was too disruptive and chose an alternative home.
Tuesday 21st - Walked the dogs on the farm, down the little wood and saw 4 Speckled Wood butterflies. Heard the bird I keep hearing again. I think it might be a chiffchaff but not 100% sure. This was also the day Tiggy the Boston Terrier chased my Father-in-laws Guinea fowl.
Wednesday 22nd -
Walking with the pram through my parents village I saw a Goldfinch sat in her nest in a tree by the road. Also saw lots of Meadow Browns and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies.
Friday 24th-
Walking the dogs towards the beach I noticed a darker little butterfly and was chuffed to find a Ringlet. I was even more impressed I knew what it was!