March 2023 - A Seasonal Diary

Hello March

You’re so welcome! I see you’ve brought with you more glorious bulbs, a bit of rain and some strong winds… We expect nothing less from you March!

“March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”

Oh March, How To Sum You Up In One Paragraph…

If there was ever a March that renders that saying utter horsesh*** it’s this one. It’s come in like a cold beast and left an awfully wet one. There is still every need for the log fire going here, and oh my gosh the rain, but still on some days March you have given us some beautiful glimpses of what’s to come. The starlings murmuring over the fields and the lone morning fox striding accross the grass. The first of the blackthorn blossom popping into the world encouraging the rest to follow. The bulb bed turning from crocus to daffodils and the ground slowly warming. The garlic and onions are planted and to my utter delight showing signs of life. Cold windy days have been spent finding shape and form in the crooked old buildings of York and Bridlington Old Town and the chaffinch and it’s singular warning note have been following me to the beach on a morning. Mother’s Day came as an extra little treat with a day of sun and relative warmth spent in the garden and farm with Ted and Daddy. Pure magic. Part of me feels sad to be waving goodbye to the cosy aspects of winter. Sitting inside with a hot coffee and book when it’s sunny doesn’t quite sit right with me so March, you are giving me everything, days of rest as the rain patters on the skylights and busy days with sunny blue skies. Thank you! Although, I wouldn’t mind a little bit less rain! Also - I’m trying very hard not to complain about all the sludge because the ground and flowers will thank us for it come may.

The leaves are starting to show this month and as I’ve looked through the forgotten wood (a little gathering of trees on the farm where I walk the dogs.) I’ve noticed the hazel, hawthorne and elder are all budding up with green. The blackthorn is frothing merrily away in blossom by the 3rd week. I’ve also watched 6 or 7 hares all running in a perfect line across the field and seen two bumblebees merrily buzzing around on the sunnier days.

Things I’ve been enjoying and buying this month…

  • The Simple Things - My favourite magazine that I’ve been loving for a good few years now. It perfectly captures the life I want to aim for, it’s such a treat each month when I lands on my doormat.

  • Fruit & Blossom Rooibos Tea - I buy this from the refil jar in Beverley and decant into my Littles coffee jars (I have loads, they’re so useful).

  • New Notebooks - Inky Square makes incredible handbound journals and notebooks and I can’t get enough of them!

What has March been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...

written With love

Brooke Marie


April 2023 - A Seasonal Diary


For’t Love O’ Yorkshire