April 2023 - A Seasonal Diary

Hello April

It’s lovely to have you here, finally. Making it to April feels like we’ve made it through. Things can only get better and there’s already so much to enjoy outdoors.

The big stately houses are opening their gates to us and the swallows and house martins are due any day now. The hedges are greening up and tulips are popping up left right and centre. Speaking of which, mine have flowered in the bulb bed but I planted what I thought was purple and they’ve arrived out the soil bright pink. Never mind!

“Sweet April showers do bring May flowers.”

Oh April, I think calling them showers this year is a little understatement.

8th April - A full Saturday in the garden potting up and tidying ready for more exciting times.

11th April - Spotted field pansy and speedwell growing in the field verges.

12th April - I finally got to see the chiffchaff in the forgotten wood that’s been singing to me for weeks. Today I went armed and determined with my binoculars and I fell head over heels in love with the little cutie. Noticed some red campion flowering. Also watched lots of Yellowhammers hopping in and out of the wood. The lambing shed is also filling up with gorgeous little creatures, the little bleats melt your heart and the eager hunger as they suck your fingers looking for their mums teat. It’s such a special time of year.

13th April - A trip to Dayne’s Dyke (The nearest ancient woodland we have) me and Ted saw lots of emerging wild garlic and the ground was still carpeted in Primrose.

19th April - A 6 mile walk around Flamborough head on one of the rarer sunny days was absolutely delightful. Spotting seals, a shag, kittiwakes’ yellowhammers and fulmars. The gorse was spectacular. No butterflies but plenty of bees.

22nd April - The first Rhubarb crumble of the year was made from the garden. The sun was shining so we brought the baking stuff outside and made it on the garden table.

23rd April - A morning gathering nettles to make a tasty omelette followed by a trip to Bempton Cliffs. The wind and cold air took your breath away but we saw gannets and a finally spotted some puffins for the first time ever in my life. They’re as beautiful in real life as they are on photos.

As I’m writing this journal entry on the 28th April it’s still not very warm and currently raining as I type, but there is a little promise of more spring like weather next week. April although you’ve been extremely wet, I can’t help but be thankful for you. The garden is feeling more alive, my cut flower bulb bed has welcomed a cacophony of tulips into the house this year and the birds have been a delight to listen to as we reach the peak of song in May.

Things I’ve been enjoying and buying this month…

  • The Garden Apothecary This has been on my ‘to buy’ list for ages and I’m so glad I finally indulged. It’s such a lovely inspiring book to flick through when you’re feeling a little run down and want to take charge of your health.

  • Edulis Wild Food Course - I went on a wild foraging course this month to Robin Hoods Bay and learnt how to find the different seaweeds and plants to eat. I’m probably not going to be picking seaweed very often as I just don’t like the taste but learning about the wild plants I can pick and munch on was so useful! I’ve found little areas on the farm where I can pick Plantain and Yarrow and then there’s always an abundance of Nettles, Cleavers and Hawthorne.

  • Dorothy Whipple - I bought this book in a charity shop years ago because the cover was nice and on a desperate evening, I pulled it out having read everything else. I’m so glad I did! Dorothy Whipple is an excellent writer; I can’t recommend enough. If you like Jane Austen I think you’ll like her, she has a way of introducing characters that’s irresistible. So far I’ve read The Priory and They Were Sisters and have equally enjoyed both.

My Seasonal Journal this month is…. A MESS! Not a double page spread I’m proud of but that’s by the by, I create it so I can look back at each month of the year and remember what life was like at that time of year and what I have to look forward to as the seasons come around again.

What has April been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...

written With love

Brooke Marie


May 2023 - A Seasonal Diary


March 2023 - A Seasonal Diary