Brooke Marie

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May 2024 - A Seasonal Diary

A seasonal diary of nature spots and little moments

Hello May

It was a Tuesday evening nearing the end of the month, upstairs I was sat, writing my nightly journal, both children sound asleep when I heard an almighty thump on the kitchen table followed by many expletives… It was my peaceful, unfaltering, laid back husband witnessing a torrential downpour two days before the fields are booked to be cut for silage. Oh 2024 you have been testing him, you really have. The rain aside though, May I have found you rather beautiful, the cows are out in the fields, a few sunny weekends have been enjoyed, some lovely wildlife, an abundance of cow-parsley, red campion, forget-me-nots, violas, stitchwort, speedwell and frothy dandelion heads.

I have many more grey hairs now than I did last May, I can put a large portion of those down to Toby. I am tired, always tired, but grateful, happy, full up. There is a bee buzzing behind my head right now and I’m watching the robin with a funny lump on his back hop around the garden. I wish all birds had some distinctive individual mark like he has, then I would know them apart and how lovely that would be. I have just read a book in fact in which the incredible author actually can tell all the different birds apart, I don’t mean species I mean she could tell which great tit is witch and where and when they were born. Imagine being that in tune with the birds. How magical. For now though I’ll content myself with feeding up my hunchback robin. Quasimodo! That can be his name. Oh speaking of birds, the Dove on the pergola successfully fledged one chick and I followed him around the garden the best I could over the following days but now I’m afraid he looks very much like all the other doves and I can’t tell him from Adam.

This time last year I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Toblerone, we still hadn’t a name for him, he was just bump and now we’re approaching his 1st birthday and can life just slow down a little please. He crawls, he eats soil and pulls my chive flowers off with gay abandon, we walk the dogs in the forgotten wood with the bike. Ted is Toby’s favourite person but I think the jury is out for Ted. Toby does throw his tractors around and ploughs himself through teds intricate imaginary play like a bulldozer with knees but to watch them giggle together is pure magic.

Butterfly Spot

I do love chasing butterflies, I think because to spot and identify one and add it to my list feels a bit like I imagine transpotting feels to trainspotters. This month has been pretty abundant, mainly with the whites but we have had the odd speckled wood and admiral and an orange tip. I do like an orange tip.

May In Watercolour

Stories from the studio, a little glimpse into my watercolour creations from May.

I’ve been fortunate enough to work on a few really fun commissions including a lovely anniversary present for a lucky husband called Greg. I was a little nervous about painting all that transparent fabric in the vale but it turned out to be so much fun. I’ve also been increasing my bird portfolio in the hope of making a 2025 calendar over the summer.

What has May been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...

written With love

Brooke Marie