April 2024 - A Seasonal Diary

A seasonal diary of nature spots and little moments

Hello April

“No rain, no flowers.”
– Haruki Murakami

April 2024 - The month my shop opened…for good!

Unless I pop out anymore sprogs (definitely not in the plan) I can’t really see any reason for my shop to close again, especially not for a whole year. And as much as we love and cherish our little Toblerone, 2 children feels much like 10 at the moment.

It’s been feeling pretty tough lately but thankfully I’ve discovered it’s because of my thyroid condition being under-treated. The difference between just coping with 2 kids and just not-coping turns out to be balanced on a well functioning little gland in the front of your neck. Unfortunately my own immune system is attacking mine which means it’s slowly getting less useful and I’m becoming more reliant on tablets to do the job for me. The clever docs have upped my prescription so it should feel a little less like walking through treacle towing a car soon. It will take months to get it right again though so more sleep, dry skin and fatigue is on the cards for a while.

Failing hormone glands aside - My shop opens Friday 26th April and I’m pretty nervous and also quite excited. Will anyone still be there after a full year off? Fingers crossed! (Edit : it is now the 30th and i can confirm, people did wait, they did come back. THANK YOU!!)

April In A List

A little list of a April well spent - or maybe just spent

  • BUTTERFLY SPOTTING - Orange-tip and Brimstone. There hasn’t been enough sun to entice many out.

  • Bluebells, so many lovely bluebells. But SO EARLY. I'm guessing with all the rain the plants are struggling and wanting to flower quickly.

  • Ducklings. Mama duck was waddling over the field with her brood. We've looked for them since but we cant find them in the pond. We (me and Ted the duck detectives) will keep a keen eye out.

  • Cow parsley

  • The lamb ate my tulips - HEARTBROKEN

  • Sweetpeas are planted and facing the world outside

  • The boys are tiring yet utterly perfect, I want this time to be over yet I want it to last forever.

  • Swallow's are here… LATE - 25th April

  • House Martins have moved after their winter holiday, to the side of the house out of view, sparrows have ousted them from the lovely next-to-window nest.

  • Made a pretty good set of dippy eggs

  • Corn buntings! I got pretty close to two corn buntings as I was driving from a dog walk. They were on the same fence every day for a week, I was late for nursery pick-up one evening but it was worth it. They were so close I just watched them, and could actually confirm what the bloody little birds were i’d been seeing all week.

  • Stitchwort is flowering near my folks house, also heard a bird and a woodpecker. Had to use the Merlin app to identify the bird was a blackcap.

  • Reading a great vintage book about birds.

  • Been doing so much work organising my stock and my shop I have zero paintings for april. SORRY!

What has April been like for you? Have you seen anything out in Nature that’s made you smile or just peeked your interest? I would love to know, tell me in the comments below...

written With love

Brooke Marie


So Glad To Be Back